| 1. | With the increasing of power capacity and the electric equipment , the requirement of reactive power grows day by day 随着电网容量和用电设备的增加,用户对电力系统无功的要求也与日俱增。 |
| 2. | From the photos of sem , we found that the particles of fluorocarbon films distribute more uniformly , join more tightly and diameter of the particles become smaller with increasing of power and pressure 从sem的照片上可以看出:随着功率和压力的提高,氟碳膜颗粒更加密集,粒径变小且分布均匀。 |
| 3. | Moreover , the tio2 film particles distribute more uniform and join tightly with the increasing of power , but the surfaces of films become closer and smoother when pressure increased or the ratio of oxygen decreased 提高功率可提高膜的覆盖度,使溅射膜颗粒分布均匀,结合更加紧密。提高压力或减小氧氩比,可使溅射膜的颗粒更加密集。 |
| 4. | The power of laser and scanning speed play an evident influence in the structure , rigidity and density of parts . the rigidity and density , and the size of structure increase with the increasing of power 同时,激光功率的提高能够改善烧结制备件的显微硬度和体积密度;扫描速度的增加,对烧结件的微观组织的细化作用较为明显,制备件的显微硬度也有着较显著的提高。 |
| 5. | The ratio f / c decreases with the increase of power , but increases when pressure increase . the power has more marked effect on f / c than that of pressure . contact angle of fluorocarbon films obtained at different of power , pressure and treating time 最后研究了不同功率、压力、溅射时间对氟碳膜憎水性能的影响,并测量了氟碳膜的接触角,发现接触角随功率的增加而减小,随压力的增加而增大。 |
| 6. | With the steep increase of power needed and complicated mechano - electronic structure , it is important to strengthen failure analysis and precaution . main steam pipe is one of the key components in a power plant , whose creep capability is defined as design criteria 随着我国对电力需求的日益增长以及机电设备的复杂化,相应的对机电设备可靠性和安全性的要求越来越高,开展机电设备的失效与预测分析对提高企业的经济效益和技术管理水平具有十分重要的意义。 |
| 7. | Direct separation of co _ ( 2 ) from flue gas will lead to a reduction of power generation efficiency and an increase of power generation cost . the content of co _ ( 2 ) in flue gas is only about 3 - 15 % , which will lead to complicated separation process and high cost . this is because co _ ( 2 ) separation is very difficult from common flue gas , which has low co _ ( 2 ) concentration and high n _ ( 2 ) concentration at normal pressure 从锅炉排烟中分离co _ 2将在一定程度上使电站效率降低,发电成本增加,其主要原因是燃煤电站锅炉排烟中co _ 2浓度一般仅为3 15 ,在较低的压力下从以氮气为主要成分的混合气体中分离较低浓度的co _ 2气体的难度很大,从而导致分离设备复杂,成本较高。 |
| 8. | Analyzing the treated yak hairs with sem , xps and et al , it showed under the same conditions , the effect of etching is enhanced with the increasing of power of wave , and the hydrophilicity and dyeing rate enhanced obviously 通过sem 、 xps及吸附性能等的分析,结果表明,在相同参数的等离子体条件下,随着产生等离子体的微波功率的增大,对牦牛毛纤维表面的刻蚀效果增强;经过等离子体处理过的牦牛毛纤维的亲水性,上染率等都有明显的提高,说明该方法是一条切实可行的路线。 |
| 9. | With the increasing of power capacity and voltage rate , the conventional prevention maintenance was unable to fulfill all of needs . as a result , corresponding timely and effective condition - based maintenance ( cbm ) is introduced and developed . cbm is the future of insulation condition assessment and predictive maintenance 但是,随着变压器额定电压的提高、单台容量的增大以及运行年限的增长,变压器停电进行预防性试验的代价愈来愈高,原有的主要依靠定期停电进行绝缘预防性试验的方法就品得很不适应。 |